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The drop in interest rates and return of big rounds of funding allowed emerging Catalan companies in the health sector to secure 56% more investment than the previous year, with €235 million in 2024.

So, the Catalan start-up ecosystem in the health sector has rebounded after a drop in investment in 2023. In this regard, it is worth noting that the majority of emerging companies in Catalonia are in the health technologies segment, with nearly 400, making up 17% of the total or one in 6 start-ups.

Furthermore, according to the latest study from ACCIÓ (the business competitiveness agency) and Barcelona Health Hub, Catalonia is ranked fifth in the world in securing foreign investment for technology projects in the health sector. Plus, Catalonia has more than a dozen technology centres run by international companies, such as Bayer, AstraZeneca and Novartis.

The eleventh edition of 4YFN, which will be held in March, remains committed to the health sector, boosting its visibility. The official programme will once again include a specific agenda on digital health, and the exhibition space will also feature a special area for this sector in Hall 8.0, next to Mobile World Congress 2025.


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