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During the month of August, Catalan exports experienced an increase of 1.7%, reaching a value of 6,941 million euros, according to data provided by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism of Spain.

Over the course of the year, sales abroad have accumulated a total of 68,612 million euros. Compared to the same period in 2019, before the pandemic, exports have experienced a significant increase of 45%. Chemical products top the list of exports, representing 27% of the total, with a value of 1,871 million euros. They are followed by food, beverages and tobacco, with 1,213 million euros, equivalent to 17.5% of the total, and the automotive sector, with 1,124 million euros, corresponding to 16.2%.

When we compare these data with the previous year, automobile sales have experienced an increase of 58.8%, those of chemical products by 5.3%, while exports of food, beverages, and tobacco have decreased by 4.5%.

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