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  • • At the center, the group will carry out projects associated with mobility and efficient driving
  • • The project coincides with the launch of a new accelerator for innovative start-ups

German multinational corporation Volkswagen has chosen Barcelona as the location of its data lab, which is the group’s global data analysis center. It will be its third center of this kind in the world, joining those in Munich and San Francisco (USA). The Catalan capital, thus, will play a key role in the automotive consortium’s connectivity and development strategyfor new products.

At the new center, the group will carry out several projects associated with mobility and efficient driving based on studying data provided by vehicles and drivers. In this regard, Volkswagen is working around the world on research studies analyzing data extracted from devices connected to vehicles.

The Volkswagen group’s strategy for the coming 10 years is structured into three focal points for development: connectivity, electrification and driverless cars. The German group is aware of the profound changes underway in the automotive sector as a result of mobile technology and big data.

The project to create this data analysis center coincides with the launch of an accelerator for innovative start-ups in mobility services at the Seat factory in Martorell, aimed at creating an ecosystem that takes advantage of Barcelona’s draw and potential, according to the company, which also highlights the Catalan capital’s ability to attract technology-based businesses and its commitment to smart cities. In short, Seat strives to stand out in the field of vehicle digitalization and, in this regard, is using Barcelona as the pilot program for its connectivity services. According to the company, their choice to develop these solutions in the city is closely tied to the idea of the Catalan capital as a technology capital, home to the Mobile World Congress and the Smart City Expo.

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