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  • 200 people will work at this new development and design center.
  • The park is one of the most advanced business and technology platforms in Europe.

Inditex fashion group, through their subsidiary Stradivarius, has recently acquired 19,000 m2 of land in Parc de l’Alba, Cerdanyola del Vallès, from the Catalan Land Institute (Incasòl). These are six adjoining plots on which the company can construct a four-floor building with nearly 40,000 m2 of space, which will house designers, sales teams and the support departments for the fashion chain, employing approximately 200 people.

This new design and development center of Stradivarius, the third largest brand in the giant Inditex group after Zara and Bershka, is destined to become one of the great attractions of Parc de l’Alba, promoted by the Government of Catalonia under the Barcelona-Catalonia initiative. This location is home to the Alba synchrotron, one of the most important research facilities in the Mediterranean region, as well as companies like IBM, Sener and T-Systems, among others. La Caixa has also committed to this business park, with its technology center.

The Stradivarius headquarters will remain in Sallent, Bages, where they organize all of their logistics activity from their 11,000-m2 facilities. The chain, which has 922 shops in 61 countries around the world, posts annual turnover of approximately 1.1 billion euros. The Inditex group as a whole has more than 6,700 shops around the world with all of its brands combined.

Here at Incasòl we can confirm that, with the arrival of Stradivarius, Parc de l’Alba is definitively consolidating its place as one of the most strategic projects in Catalonia. There are currently more than 1.5 million m2 of floor space for economic activities, housing and retail. The park is creating one of the most advanced science, technology and business platforms in Europe. 

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