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  • Five universities and one business school, in global top 50 for specific studies.
  • The QS World University Ranking is compiled by thousands of international experts.

A total of six Catalan university centers (five universities and one business school) are among the top 50 in the world, according to the latest QS World University Ranking published recently. This study analyzes 36 university degrees around the world based on influence, reputation, internationalization, research resources and transfer to the productive sector, among other indicators.

The Polytechnic University of Catalonia is the highest ranked of the six, at 22nd thanks to its Architecture and Environmental Construction program. The Autonomous University of Barcelona, with Veterinary Studies, and Pompeu Fabra University, for Economy and Econometrics follow it at 23rd.

ESADE Business School and Ramón Llull University are also among the top 50, for Business Administration, ranked 29th, and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, is ranked 39th for Civil Engineering. Finally, the University of Barcelona, for Philosophy, is ranked 48th.

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