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The LIVE Platform, a public/private initiative to promote sustainable mobility in Catalonia, puts the investment in sustainable mobility over the past two years at a record-breaking 300 million euros.

The LIVE Platform, which coordinates and supports members in carrying out projects, drives strategic policy-making and new business models, says there are currently 3,958 electric vehicles and 1,244 natural-gas vehicles in Catalonia. The region has one of the densest fast and semi-fast charging networks in Europe, with nearly 700 public charging stations. Moreover, there are a total of 27 natural-gas stations in Catalonia, 12 of which are for public use.

According to the latest report by the International Energy Agency (EV City Outlook), factors like larger municipal fleets of low-emissions vehicles, electric bicycles, electric and natural-gas vehicles for public transport, electric taxis, electric busses, natural-gas busses, garbage trucks, and the newly launched Bicing electric initiative in the city of Barcelona, strengthen Catalonia’s position of leadership in the sector.

The members of the LIVE Platform –Government of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, BSM, TMB, Seat, Gas Natural, ACS, Nissan, Renault and Volkswagen-Audi Spain– highlight that the investment, innovative public policies and new services being implemented through the LIVE Platform initiatives and work tools consolidate global perception of Barcelona and Catalonia as an international hub of low-emissions vehicles.

In 2013, Barcelona, and by extension the metropolitan area, was already included among the top 10 cities in the world for sustainable mobility initiatives, to improve air quality and reduce sound pollution in mobility systems, thus improving quality of life.

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