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The China Certification & Inspection Group (CCIC Group) has recently inaugurated CCIC Europe Testing in Hospitalet de Llobregat, their first product certification and inspection laboratory in Europe.

The CCIC Group is one of the most important certification agencies in the world. Although they have offices in Europe (Bremen, Marseille, Budapest, London and Rotterdam), the new laboratory in Hospitalet is the first outside of the People’s Republic of China.

The Chinese company, which has moved into the CZFBbuilding, will certify industrial and electronic products, and provide technical advisory services for companies looking to move into the Chinese market more efficiently and quickly. And another line will help Chinese companies make contact with suppliers from Western markets and support companies looking to invest outside of mainland China.

From Catalonia, the Chinese company will certify consumer products from countries in Europe, northern Africa and America. In this regard, the CCIC Group laboratory will at first focus on certifying products from the automotive sector. In the second phase, they will expand their work to cover textile, chemical and construction products.

Barcelona is attracting significant investment from China and aims to continue leading this trend. This laboratory seeks to provide value-added economic activity and is another step forward for Barcelona in attracting Chinese investment, strengthening the city’s ties with the Asian giant, and becoming the center of operations for Chinese companies in Europe.

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