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  • • The company is the leading provider of electronic components for the automobile sector in the world
  • • Denso is looking for a logistics space for the company

Japanese multinational corporation Denso, the leading manufacturer of electronic components for the automobile sector in the world, will invest 55 million euros in its plant in Sant Fruitós over the coming three years. Denso Barcelona, the group’s subsidiary, will have lines to produce injection control components.

The company’s turnover is 270 million euros and it currently employs 730 workers and is looking to reach 1,000 in the coming years. Denso Barcelona is looking to take a very important step between 2019 and 2020, when the Japanese multinational corporation is studying the possibility of finding a space for the company’s logistics.

The company, which exports 100% of its production, has recently finished work on the eighth expansion to their plant, adding 2,000 m² for a technical center, training space and improved inspection center. The company now has 31,000 m².

Denso Barcelona was founded in 1989, although it didn’t begin manufacturing until September 1991. The factory in Catalonia is part of the Japanese Denso group, founded in 1949, which employs more than 140,000 workers around the world, with turnover of nearly 32 billion euros.

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