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  • mVenturesBCN will accelerate start-ups and facilitate technology transfer
  • The company expects to accelerate 110 digital projects in Barcelona over the next 3 years

With the aim of transforming society into a more digital, technological environmentMobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCB) has recently announced the creation of Mobile Ventures Barcelona (mVenturesBCN),a company that will work to accelerate technology start-ups and facilitate technological transfer of knowledge from universities and innovation centers.

This new company, which will be fully up and running from this November, expects to accelerate 110 digital projects over the next 3 years. To do so, the initiative has a budget of 8 million euros from the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and Fira de Barcelona. The aim is to add new partners to the initiative to hit a total budget of 15 million euros.

mVenturesBCN focuses on two areas of activity. The first aims to accelerate start-ups with an established product that, in some cases, is already on the market. In this regard, MWCB is currently analyzing the market to attract three international stimulus programs to Barcelona to participate in this initiative together. mVenturesBCN will create a joint venture with each acceleration program, hosting 10 companies each year in exchange for a share in the company.

In its second area of activity, the mVenturesBCN project will work to set up new digital-based companies, collaborating with universities and R&D centers to help 20 technology projects become companies.

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