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  • • This new technology hub will provide services to the company’s auditors throughout Spain
  • • Nestlé and Zurich have also chosen Barcelona for their data analysis centers

new technology services project has come to Barcelona. Consultancy and auditing firm KPMG has set up their facility at Plaça Europa, in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, to house a data analysis center of excellence (data and analytics – D&A).

This new technology hub, with a team of 30 professionals, will serve the company’s auditors throughout Spain, where KPMG has been present since 1971 and has more than 3,200 professionals in 16 offices in major cities.

Globally, KPMG is a network of professional services companies that employs 174,000 people and offers auditing, tax, business and financial advisory services in 156 countries. It is one of the top four professional services firms in the world, alongside PwC, Deloitte and Ernst & Young. The main headquarters is located in Amstelveen, the Netherlands.

Similarly, it must be noted that other multinational corporations, including Nestlé and Zurich,  have chosen to build their data analysis centers in Barcelona. Catalonia is also home to multinationals like IBMHP and T-Systems that have committed to investments totaling €118 million to build several data and cloud computing centers in the Barcelona Datacenter Cluster at Parc de l’Alba in Cerdanyola.

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