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ICT sector now part of Catalonia’s identity

- • A large number of initiatives apply mobile technology to traditional activities
- • Barcelona was chosen the first European Capital of Innovation in 2014
The ICT sector in Catalonia has traditionally been highly important thanks in good part to the strong consumer electronics sector, a highly competitive software development sector and being one of the largest industrial clusters in Europe. The country has also always had a very dynamic ecosystem, generating many initiatives to apply mobile technology to traditional activities.
Barcelona is the Mobile World Capital for 2012 to 2023. This fact reflects not only that it hosts the benchmark global event in the mobile sector, but also includes a wide range of activities and programs for professionals in the mobile and associated industries, which have made Barcelona a global benchmark in the transformation of the sector. Further proof of this can be seen in the fact that Barcelona was named the first European Capital of Innovation by the EU in 2014, and is currently ranked 4th Smart city in Europe and 10th in the world.
Catalonia has historically had a strong industrial sector, which has become a very important client for the mobile industry: ICT, business solutions, retail and smart cities are some of the sectors in which ‘ mobile’ companies work in most frequently. Other important sectors include transport, health and public services. ICT is also closely linked to smart cities, the Internet of Things, m-health, games and e-commerce, among others, all of which are highly active sectors in Catalonia.
The main ICT companies are located in the Barcelona area, approximately 12,800 companies, which has grown steadily since 2008. With a wide range of funding opportunities and an administration that actively supports the sector, business ideas come to life quickly in Catalonia.
With a workforce in the sector of approximately 84,600 people and a combination of consolidated businesses and new projects, the ICT sector in Catalonia has generated numerous highly qualified professionals. This talent comes from an excellent academic support system, with more than 15,000 students doing degrees associated with the mobile sector at world-renowned universities, including UPC BarcelonaTech, ESADE and UPF.
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