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The main indicators for the Port of Barcelona showed positive evolution in 2014, in line with the recovery of economic activity. Thus, the total traffic seen at the Port of Barcelona was up 9%, to 46.3 million tons.

The containers totaled 1.9 million TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit), for an increase of 10%. Exports increased to the main countries to which containers are shipped, headed by the United Arab Emirates (with more than 10% of the total): China (+33%), South Korea (+35%), United States (+17%), Mexico (+15%) and South Africa (+14.5%). In total, 621,870 TEUs were exported (+ 7%), while imports hit 437,435 TEUs (+12%).

Regarding vehicle traffic, the gradual recovery initiated after the market hit bottom in 2009 continued, with 748,394 new vehicles passing through the Port last year (+6%). Exports have been the main reason behind this positive growth, once again setting a new record last year with 431,440 units – up 13.5%.

Container traffic kicks off the year up 8% in January
Overall traffic through the Port of Barcelona was up 4% in January year on year. In this regard, it must be noted that container traffic was up 8%, with 140,845 TEUs, with the most significant growth being in exports (+11%). Vehicle traffic, furthermore, had a noteworthy month in January, up 32%, with 55,133 units.

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