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  • Leasing of logistics warehouses in the first half of the year surpassed that seen in all of 2014.
  • The volume of logistics space leased in 2015 hits an all-time high.

The leasing of logistics warehouses in Catalonia skyrocketed in the first semester of 2015, which finished with more than 378,000 m2 leased, according to data published by real estate consultancy JLL.

This volume surpasses all of 2014, when 317,000 m2 were leased. If this upward trend continues, as all indicators seem to confirm, 2015 will finish with the largest volume of leased space ever seen.

Sources from the real estate consultancy confirm this trend for the second semester of the year, despite the limited availability of logistics space. In this regard, they point out that occupation is above 94% in the first ring of the metropolitan area, 97% in the second ring, and slightly lower in the third ring, at approximately 89%.

Catalonia currently leads the offering of logistics space in Spain with nearly 6 million square meters. The extensive and well connected network of logistics platforms, with top-notch connections and access, as well as the various transport options like ports, airports and high-speed train, make Catalonia an excellent intermodal transport hub.

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