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  • The Catalan government will present its offering of public housing and renovation grants
  • Parc de l’Alba project offers 1.5 million m2 of floor space for economic activities

The Government of Catalonia, through the Catalan Housing Agency (AHC) and the Catalan Land Institute(INCASÒL), is once again participating in the Barcelona Meeting Point real estate fair, now in its 19th edition. The Catalan Government will present its offering of public housing and renovation grants.

At the same time, INCASÒL, as the Government of Catalonia’s instrument to dynamize the economy, will be at the fair promoting strategic projects like Ca n’Alemany, in Viladecans; Mas Blau, in El Prat de Llobregat; and Parc de l’Alba, in Cerdanyola del Vallès, all of which fall under the umbrella of the Barcelona Catalonia initiative.

Particularly noteworthy among these is Parc de l’Alba, which offers new investment opportunities with 1.5 million m2 of floor space available for different economic activities, including industrial, retail, logistics or residential use. It is one of Catalonia’s strategic projects and one of the most advanced science, technology and business platforms in Europe, with the capacity to create 40,000 highly qualified jobs. The Government’s commitment and investment have made it possible to build the Alba Synchrotron and attract companies like IBM, SILC, SENER and T-Systems. In this regard, it must be noted that fashion firm Stradivarius, of the Inditex group, has recently acquired 19,000 m2 of land to build their new design center.

This year, the Barcelona Catalonia presence at Barcelona Meeting Point will include the logistics land managed by public company Cimalsa.

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