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Real estate investment in Catalonia totaled €2.5 billion in 2016, 81% foreign.

Real estate investment in Catalonia totaled approximately €2.5 billion in 2016. This figure is up more than 26% from the previous year and is an all-time record, even beating the best years of the real estate boom. This investment mainly went into purchasing office buildings and shopping centers, with more than €1.6 billion. Nevertheless, the logistics and industrial sector posted the highest growth, up 61%, with a total investment of €144 million.

Furthermore, the 2016 data shows a noteworthy prominence of foreign capital, making up 81% of all investment. The outlook is also positive for 2017 and foreign investors are expected to push the weight of Catalonia in Spain up from 20% to 25% over the course of the year. Positive results in all segments (offices, shopping centers, hotels, industrial/logistics and residential) will contribute to this.

In this context, Barcelona Catalonia will once again be at Mipim in order to present projects in these areas to international investors. The Barcelona Catalonia booth will give investors a global overview of the main urban-development projects underway in Barcelona and Catalonia along the Mediterranean corridor. These projects include 22@, Pla BesòsPla Delta-LlobregatCan Sant JoanCa n’AlemanyCan Filuà and Parc de l’Alba. The last one has 1.5 million m2 of floor space available for a variety of economic activities in one of the most advanced science, technology and business platforms in Europe.

Barcelona Catalonia, through the Government of Catalonia Ministry of Territory and Sustainability, will participate in two conferences on the official MIPIM program:

  • Is investment in Catalonia the strategic entry to Europe? (día 15 – 11:15h-12:00h) – Asset Class room, Palais-1
  • What are the new urban planning models? (día 15 – 10:00h-10:45h) – Innovation Room, Palais-1

Innovation Room, Palais-1

Barcelona Catalonia will also have several private partners present, which are collaborating on urban-development projects in Catalonia. Like every year, the initiative will also participate in a wide variety of forums and events, and hold talks:

    • Barcelona: A great city named Catalonia (March 14)
    • New Centrality Areas: Investment opportunities in Barcelona. Pla Delta & Pla Llobregat (March 14)


  • Diagonal-Besòs Campus: Unique investment opportunities in co-working and office space (March 14)
  • Investment opportunities in economic sectors around the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (March 15)
  • Barcelona, merging public space, nature and production (March 15)
  • The Mediterranean Corridor (March 16)



We look forward to seeing you there. For more information, contact Anna Palasí (a_palasi@gencat.cat).


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