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  • Latest technology and innovation solutions to be presented
  • Barcelona has become the most important logistics center in the Mediterranean

Barcelona will be a global showcase for the logistics sector, hosting two international events in this arena. Firstly, the 17th edition of the International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition (SIL) will be held on 9 and 10 June, then the city will host the second European Supply Chain & Logistic Summit (SCL) from 15 to 17 June.

SIL will bring investors and buyers from the whole logistics value chain to the Catalan capital, and present the latest technology for the sector. It also includes the Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum, which will bring together business leaders and representatives from the top ports in the world, as well as from forwarders, shipping companies, rail operators and other stakeholders in the logistics sector.

Additionally, from 15 to 17 June, Barcelona will host SLC, with nearly 400 top executives from leading companies in this sector. Over three days, they will discover success stories from companies like HP, Nestlé and Samsung, as well as innovative solutions applied by Ikea and Amber Road. Visitors will also be able to attend conferences and debates among global experts from the sector. Under the umbrella of BARCELONA CATALONIA, the Port of Barcelona, the Barcelona City Council and the Government of Catalonia will participate jointly in this event.

Barcelona, key logistics center in the Mediterranean 
Barcelona has become the most important logistics center in the Mediterranean thanks to its strategic location and facilities. In this regard, it must be noted that the sector makes up 3% of the Catalan GDP, with 60.194 billion euros in goods exported in 2014 and more than 174,000 qualified jobs.

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