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Barcelona will once again become the cultural and scientific co-capital of Spain. President Pedro Sánchez and Mayor Ada Colau reactivate the commission between the City Council and the central government to address pending investments and shared projects.

President Sánchez clarifies that it is about leadership and declares that “Spain needs more engines of growth if we want to fly higher. And this role must be played by a city like Barcelona”, while Mayor Colau highlights that “Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and it is essential that institutional normality be recovered. ”

The agreement, which involves an annual investment of more than 20 million euros, stands out in several key points:

Firstly, in the reactivation of the “cultural and scientific capital” of Barcelona, ​​which recognizes the uniqueness of the city in these matters and establishes the participation of the General State Administration (AGE) in sectoral policies.

Secondly, it has been agreed that the Government supports UNESCO’s proposal in the Global Universities Network for Innovation so that, by 2021, Barcelona will be the host city of the III International Conference on Higher Education of UNESCO in 2021. It would the first time the summit was held outside of Paris, France.

Finally, the recovery of the Inter-Administrative Commission between the Government and the Barcelona City Council is proposed, which should allow dealing with issues such as the progress of the works of the future AVE station in Sagrera de Barcelona, ​​the financing of TMB and the remodeling of the Front Litoral, among other issues.

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