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Barcelona takes a decisive step towards the urban future with an agreement between the City Council and the Consorci de la Zona Franca from Barcelona (CZFB). This protocol marks the beginning of multiple key projects for the city of Barcelona. Among them, the construction of almost 2,000 officially protected homes (VPO) in the districts of Sant Andreu and Sants-Montjuïc stands out, accompanied by various municipal facilities.

The CZFB grants strategic land in the Cuarteles de Sant Andreu and in the Marina del Prat Vermell for this ambitious housing plan. In total, 1,878 homes will be enabled in an area of ​​185,000 m², with another 97,000 destined exclusively for community services.

In addition, the agreement includes the revitalization of the emblematic La Escocesa manufacturing site, in San Martín, to turn it into a nerve center for creative industries and innovative projects in gastronomy and food. The CZFB joins this transformation project, committing to the rehabilitation of old industrial warehouses.

Finally, the City Council acquires the Mediatic and Creatic buildings in 22@, thus consolidating a hub of municipal services focused on education, citizen service, economic development and technological training.

This pact not only responds to the urgent need for affordable housing in the city, but also boosts key sectors such as creative industries, technology and innovation. Barcelona is moving towards a more inclusive and sustainable urban model, committed to balanced development and the quality of life of its citizens.

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