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Barcelona is once again in the top 20 most competitive cities in the world, ranking 18th in the world and seventh in Europe. This is certified by the Global Power City Index (GPCI) 2021, drawn up by the Japanese foundation The Memorial Foundation.

This report compares 48 cities around the world on the basis of 70 indicators, arranged in six categories: economy, research and development, cultural interaction, liveability, environment and accessibility.

In the area of liveability, Barcelona climbs to third place in the world, in a category that analyses aspects related to the working environment, cost of living, safety, well-being and living facilities.

The first deputy mayor and head of the economic area of Barcelona City Council, Jaume Collboni, said: “We celebrate the return of Barcelona to the top 20 of this international ranking, which shows that we continue to be a leading city in the economic and business world worldwide”.

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