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  • The new space covers 1400 square metres in 20 modules
  • The inauguration coincides with the 30th anniversary of the creation of Barcelona Activa

In June, Barcelona Activa inaugurated an incubator specialising in companies with a high technological impact in the  MediaTIC building and will host twenty projects. Sources at Barcelona city council have highlighted that this new incubator will focus on a scope that is strategic in building the economy of the future, which has to be more plural to guarantee that the digital revolution does not leave anybody behind and to ensure the technological sovereignty of society. The MediaTIC building is located in the district 22@Barcelona.

The incubator, which will allow foreign companies to move there, will be an opportunity for projects carried out in Barcelona to connect with others in an international scope. The new space, that covers 1400 square metres in 20 modules of between 15 and 70 square metres, shared spaces and a training room, represents an opportunity for emerging companies that carry out projects with intensive use of technology related to Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, robotics, special technologies or nanotechnology.

The inauguration of the incubator coincides with the 30th anniversary of the creation of Barcelona Activa, which at its outset supported five companies and today provides services to more than 200 companies. Since its creation, Barcelona Activa has helped more than 1000 companies to develop their projects.

The new incubator that Barcelona Activa has set up is an addition to their network of incubators made up of Glòries, Almogàvers Business Factory, ESA BIC Barcelona and the Nou Barris Technology Park.


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