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According to this publication, Barcelona is the sixth best city in the world to live and work in. It is also one of the world’s top urban destinations. The city has climbed three positions in the ranking published by Resonance Consultancy, which, according to Bloomberg, is “a more comprehensive study”. The ranking not only takes into account tourist attractiveness, but also the city’s liveability, entertainment, cultural offerings, i.e. different economic, social and urban indicators. 

Barcelona is one of the cities most valued by the experts of Resonance Consultancy, for several reasons, such as the climate, the architecture, the colourful neighbourhoods, which they define as artistic, sophisticated and bohemian. These attributes make the city occupy the sixth position in the ranking. 

In the report created by “World Best Cities“, special mention is made of Barcelona’s commitment to a greener city and the initiatives that have been carried out to improve the tourist experience. 

Improvements in the Catalan capital

After a difficult situation for the city, the pandemic, tourism is slowly making a comeback. Visitors will encounter major changes in the city. One of them is the difficulty of accessing the city by car, as traffic has been restricted in certain areas and cycle lanes have been increased. The ranking mentions the transformation of Passeig de Sant Joan into a green corridor with cycle lanes, wide pavements, vegetation and outdoor benches. It also comments on the change that will be generated in La Rambla, with the aim of making it more accessible, without car traffic. 

Areas in which Barcelona stands out

The ranking is made on the basis of six areas in which it classifies one hundred cities in the world with more than one million inhabitants. The way it does this is by combining statistics and the opinions of citizens, both locals and tourists. 

The Catalan capital stands out in the areas of place (6th position) and product (5th position). Place refers to the quality of life enjoyed in a city. This ranges from the climate, safety, culture and attractions of the neighbourhoods, to the buildings, museums, transport and services of the city. Product refers to all the activities and services offered by the city. This includes university rankings, airport connectivity, convention centres, professional sports teams and other tourist attractions.

On the other hand, Barcelona is ranked number 7 in the area of programming, which includes the cultural and gastronomic agenda, among others; 12th in the area of promotion, which includes the number of stories, references and recommendations shared online about

a city; 53rd in people, which includes the immigration rate, diversity and educational level; and 154th in prosperity, which is determined by economic indicators that measure the labour supply and the employment rate, among others.

The 10 best cities in the world according to the “World’s best Cities” ranking:

  1.  London
  2. Paris
  3. New York
  4. Tokyo
  5. Dubai
  6. Barcelona
  7. Rome
  8. Madrid
  9. Singapore
  10. Amsterdam

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