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This year the Catalan Government, together with Incasòl and Barcelona City Council, are renewing their commitment to fairer, more efficient and more sustainable development models at Expo Real 2017. The perspective of Barcelona Catalonia is that economic growth must be accompanied by the development in the region, and that those projects that combine economic activities, while respecting the environment and using clean technologies, are a priority.

With this aim in mind, Barcelona Catalonia is promoting strategic projects in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, together with key logistics projects in the Mediterranean corridor, which are designed to transform Catalonia into a point of entry and exit for goods from both south and central Europe.

Barcelona is a city of great international potential*, and it is committed to an inclusive growth model that generates wealth and a diversified economy. These factors make the city extremely attractive when it comes to foreign investment and capturing the attention of international talent.

Among the strategic projects being exhibited by Barcelona Catalonia at Expo Real are Alba Park, an advanced scientific, technological and entrepreneurial platform, the Delta Llobregat Plan, an industrial destination designed to suit the needs of the future, the Besòs Plan, which will create a metropolitan hub in a key corridor with access to the Mediterranean, and the urban area of the technological district 22@Barcelona, which will provide intensive activities in technology  and investigation.

The urban planning models for Barcelona and Catalonia will be discussed at the Expo Seminar, at a round table, where the Barcelona City Council will take part in outlining the concepts behind the 22 @ innovation district. As for conferences, within the Intelligent Urbanization Forum and its Intelligent Urbanization Talks that will be taking place at Hall C1, and under the title “The Meaning of Public Space in Urban Planning” Barcelona, in particular, will be focusing on the Campus Diagonal-Besòs, a project that has led to the creation of a new metropolitan centralism. This plan seeks to act as a benchmark in research and teaching, and will foster social and territorial cohesion in the area.

As in previous editions of the ‘Barcelona Catalonia’ event, several of our private urban development partners will also be present.

Come and see us at Stand A2.330. We’ll be waiting for you!


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