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● The ranking is based on statistical figures and the opinions of residents and visitors

● This year, the unemployment rate, inequality and the contagion rate for COVID-19 have also been assessed.

Despite the current difficult situation, the image of Barcelona does not deteriorate and continues to be one of the most valued cities in the world. And in this sense, it ranks eighth in the prestigious ranking of the best cities in the world The World’s Best Cities, prepared each year by the American consultancy Resonance. This ranking assesses the global brand of one hundred cities with more than one million inhabitants, considering 25 indicators grouped into six categories, based on statistical figures and the opinions of residents and visitors.

The report prepared by the consultancy, a leader in tourism, real estate, and economic development strategies, is headed once again by London, followed by New York and Paris. Barcelona, ​​which appears in eighth place ahead of Los Angeles, ranks as the fourth European city, behind the capitals of the United Kingdom and France, and Moscow.

Resonance, as discussed, analyzes and quantifies six key aspects of each city: Location, in reference to the natural and built environment; Product, for the attraction of infrastructures, from universities and museums to airports; Programming, looking at cultural and entertainment proposals; People, in reference to diversity and immigration; Prosperity, for employment in the city; and Promotion, analyzing online recommendations and promotions.

On the other hand, the factors studied also include climate, security, the number of parks, museums, monuments, the playful and leisure aspect, diversity, the presence of large global companies, the hashtags in Instagram, and Facebook visits. This year, unlike previous rankings, new factors have also been assessed, such as the unemployment rate, the level of income inequality and the rate of contagion by COVID-19.

Finally, it should be noted that Barcelona, ​​defined in the report as ‘the almost ideal European city’ and which passes in front of such important European capitals as Madrid, Amsterdam, Rome and Berlin, highlights its cultural identity, meteorology. and architecture, within this comparison of indicators that includes the quality of the city, its reputation, and its identity, according to the perceptions of leaders in areas such as tourism, talent and business.

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