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  • Gross foreign investment in production in Catalonia reached 1,571.9 million euros
  • With 35.5% of national totals, Catalonia leads Spain in attracting foreign investment to the manufacturing industry

According to data published by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, gross foreign investment in production in Catalonia totalled 1,571.9 million euros in the first half of this year, which is a growth of 20.6% when compared to the same period for 2016. It is the second best figure for a first semester in recorded history.

Foreign investment in Catalonia focused mainly on the manufacturing industry, with a figure of 321.9 million euros; a 22% growth in annual terms. Catalonia is the leading region in terms of attracting foreign investment in the Spanish manufacturing industry, accounting for 35.5% of total figures.

According to this same data, which was published by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, between January and June, the main investors in Catalonia were France (27.5%), the Netherlands (20.0%), Luxembourg (7.7 %), Italy (7.1%) and Germany (6.7%). In sectoral terms, investments in Commerce (16.4%), Real Estate Activities (16.3%), Other Personal Services (10.4%) and Hotel and Catering (9.6%) were all noteworthy.

The logistics sector is the best example of the excellent position that Catalonia holds in the eyes of foreign investors. The commitment  of America’s Amazon is well-worth a mention, with the construction of its logistics warehouse in El Prat de Llobregat; while the American group Prologis announced an investment of 45 million euros for the construction of the largest logistics centre in Catalonia, an 80,000 m2 complex in La Bisbal del Penedès. More recently, the American multinational company  Fedex opened its own logistics centre in Barcelona, next to the El Prat airport, which will be employing over 300 people in its 20,000 m2 facilities.


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