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  • The certificate was awarded by the Responsible Tourism Institute, an organisation linked to UNESCO
  • It includes the three brands operating in the area: Costa Barcelona, Paisatges Barcelona and Pirineus Barcelona

Barcelona Regional Government, the Diputació de Barcelona, has received the Biosphere Certificate, as a sustainable tourist destination. The certificate is an award from the  Responsible Tourism Institute, an organisation linked to UNESCO and a member of The World Tourism Organisation and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. The certificate is based on the United Nations’ 17 goals for Sustainable Development, which form part of the Agenda 2030.

This certificate verifies that the three tourism brands in the area – Costa Barcelona, ​​Paisatges Barcelona and Barcelona Pyrenees (Coastal, Scenic and Pyrenean Barcelona) – all meet the requirements of the ‘Biosphere Destination’ standard and successfully apply six specific criteria to their tourism policies: sustainable management, economic and social development, the conservation and improvement of cultural heritage, environmental conservation, quality and safety, and the involvement of visitors.

In 2016, 4.7 million visitors stayed in the Barcelona region, an increase of 16% in comparison to figures from 2015. For 2017, the United Nation’s International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, this number is expected to surpass 5 million.

The award will improve the positioning and the international promotion of the tourist brands in the Barcelona area and aid in the creation of an action plan for the next three years in terms of Tourism Sustainability.



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