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According to a report by real estate consultancy CBRE, Barcelona has risen three places and is now ranked the fourth favourite city in Europe for real estate investors in 2025, surpassed only by London, Madrid and Paris.

Barcelona first made this ranking in 2022, in ninth place. The following year, it climbed to sixth place, before dropping slightly to seventh in 2024. This year, however, it has regained upward momentum, moving up three positions to its best ranking in recent years.

In 2024, the Catalan capital attracted more than €2.5 billion in real estate investment, up 30% from the previous year. According to the CBRE report, forecasts expect growth over 20% this year, to more than €3 billion. This estimate is based on the strong outlook for the sector, particularly in the hospitality, logistics and office markets.

Barcelona’s ability to attract international real estate investors is primarily driven by the return of international capital, lower financing costs and the appeal of the Euro against the US dollar.

Finally, the report highlights a shift towards widespread optimism. While 23% of investors surveyed believe that the market is already beginning to recover, more than 70% expect activity to bounce back by the end of this year.


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