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According to the third  Tech Hubs Overview, compiled by Mobile World Capital in collaboration with ACCIÓ and the Barcelona City Council, Catalonia now has 160 international technology hubs, up 9% from the 147 hubs recorded the previous year. These technology hubs collectively generate annual revenue of €2.879 billion, with 13% growth over the past year.

Additionally, the report highlights a significant rise in employment at these international technology centres. Specifically, 6,191 new jobs were created in 2024—22% more than in 2023—bringing the total number of professionals in the sector to nearly 35,000.

In 2024, 13 new international hubs were established in Catalonia, fuelled by investors from Germany, the United States, China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Japan, among others. These hubs are particularly focused on mobility and software solutions. Collectively, these new technology centres created 263 jobs and had an economic impact of nearly €22 million. In this regard, AstraZeneca is set to establish its global research hub in the Edifici Estel, where it plans to hire up to 1,000 people and invest €800 million.

At the report’s presentation, Mobile World Capital emphasised that technology hubs have become a strategic element of the digital transformation, driving innovation, talent acquisition and the creation of highly skilled jobs. Their continued growth demonstrates Catalonia’s ability to attract investment and create an environment capable of developing technological solutions with a global impact.


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