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This year’s edition of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), currently taking place in Barcelona from 3 to 6 March, is expected to exceed last year’s 101,000 visitors, with an economic impact of approximately €550 million for the city. On this occasion, artificial intelligence (AI) will take centre stage and roughly 2,700 companies will attend.

The Mobile World Congress is the world’s most important event for mobile technology and connectivity and, as every year, is bringing together the leading global companies in the sector—including  HuaweiSamsung, Xiaomi, Google and Meta—to showcase the latest innovations and key products for the coming year. Highlights include smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and other innovative technologies.

Plus, MWC will feature a conference programme fostering open discussion of major global issues, with renowned speakers leading conversations on the impact of technology on social, political and economic challenges. These speakers include Jürgen Schmidhuber, known as the father of modern artificial intelligence.

MWC will also feature the 11th edition of 4YFN: the premier platform for connecting with the most disruptive start-ups, visionary investors and industry pioneers shaping the future. This year, 4YFN will be the epicentre of AI-driven innovation, featuring seven stages exploring the latest trends and applications of artificial intelligence.


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