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Barcelona Catalonia, a joint project of the Government of Catalonia through INCASÒL, the Barcelona City Council and Barcelona Metropolitan Area  (AMB), will be at the MIPIM real estate fair again, participating for the 18th time. This annual event, held this year from 11 to 14 March, brings together more than 20,000 participants from the international real estate industry and is considered a benchmark for investment and urban development.

With the slogan Where else? Barcelona Catalonia, it will present its strategic projects from around the region, showcasing various investment opportunities across all sectors. The initiative aims to position Barcelona and Catalonia as a prime destination for investment and new projects, reaffirming their commitment to inclusive, sustainable, cohesive development models.

In this regard, Barcelona Catalonia has strengthened its public-private collaboration model, integrating proposals from various administrations with projects from companies in the private sector. The MIPIM stand will bring together internationally minded businesses and municipal, metropolitan, and supra-municipal administrations that collaborate on urban planning projects in Catalonia.

As part of the official MIPIM programme, Barcelona Catalonia is organising a conference titled Barcelona Catalonia. Life sciences: the roadmap for reindustrialisation, on 12 March from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Salon Croisette (P3) at the Palais des Festivals. This conference will highlight the life sciences industry’s role as a driving force for reindustrialisation in Barcelona, its metropolitan area and Catalonia. Furthermore, it will share new investment opportunities and key players in the industry’s value chain and in the health technologies ecosystem. In short, it will show how the life sciences sector is shaping Barcelona’s metropolitan economy and leading a new phase of reindustrialisation in Barcelona and Catalonia.

Conference host: Silvia Labé, Director of Marketing, Communications and Competitive Intelligence at Biocat. Speakers: Iker Cano, CEO and co-founder of Cosymbio Labs and Oliver Pou, Senior Open Innovation Manager at Barcelona Health Hub.


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