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Institut Català del Sòl (INCASÒL) has sold Came Parkare a plot of 2,596.53 m² in Parc de l’Alba in Cerdanyola del Vallès for 2,440,738.20 euros. This area is part of the Science and Technology Park, intended for industrial activities and offices related to science and technology.

Came Parkare Group, S.L., belonging to the Italian multinational CAME, specializes in parking systems. In recent years, it has intensified its focus on R&D, developing innovative parking solutions and improving sustainable urban mobility. The new center will concentrate on the design of new equipment and software, in addition to offering customer service and product marketing.

The company plans a significant investment and will transfer more than 140 workers from other centers. This operation confirms CAME’s strategy of continuing to invest in Catalonia, establishing its technological headquarters in Parc de l’Alba and promoting the development of digitalized systems for the parking sector with international projection.

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