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We expect to see soon the new strategic plan of the 22@NetworkBCN association, which took advantage of its 20th anniversary to announce its plans for the future at a commemoration event. The new plan is expected to be published shortly.

According to Enric Urreta, president of the association, he specified that the presentation of the debate for this new strategic plan will coincide with the start of the 22@Nord project as a catalyst, with which they expect the involvement and support of Barcelona City Council, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Spanish government.

For his part, Roger Torrent, Minister of Enterprise of the Generalitat, attended the commemorative act of the association and affirmed “that 22@ is an essential tool for the country to attract talent and investment”.

El 22@ prepara el seu pla estratègic per a celebrar el seu 20 aniversari

During its 20 years of history, 22@ has welcomed more than 150,000 workers and there are now more than 10,000 companies that produce based on innovation and knowledge in new technologies.

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