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The La Marina del Prat Vermell neighbourhood, one of the latest neighbourhoods to be launched in Barcelona and located between Barcelona’s Fira 2, the Zona Franca promenade, the Ronda del Litoral and Montjuïc mountain. It envisages the transformation of its industrial and warehouse fabric into a mixed fabric, dominated by neighbourhood life, greenery and economic activity.

The Marina del Prat has a surface area of 75 hectares, of which 320,000 m² are reserved for commercial and tertiary uses, which will provide between 8,000 and 11,000 jobs.

An area that, according to Xavi Güel, managing director of CBRE Barcelona, has so far been seen as hostile, completely residual in terms of citizenship and that it is time to turn it around and with the potential to prepare it for Industry 4.0.

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